MVC architectural Pattern

MVC is a software architecture pattern which follows the separation of concerns method. In this model .Net applications are divided into three interconnected parts which are called Model, View, and Controller.
The goal of the MVC pattern is that each of these parts can be developed, tested in relative isolation and also combined to create a very robust application.
Let see all of them in detail:


Model objects are parts of the application which implement the logic for the application's data domain. It retrieves and stores model state in a database. For example, product object might retrieve information from a database, operate on it. Then write information back to products table in the SQL server.


View are the components which are used to display the application's user interface (UI). It displays the .Net MVC application's which is created from the model data.
The common example would be an edit view of an Item table. It displays text boxes, pop-ups and checks boxes based on the current state of products & object.


Controllers handle user interaction, work with the model, and select a view to render that displays Ul. In a .Net MVC app, the view only displays information, the controller manages and responds to user input & interaction.
For example, the controller manages query-string values and passes those values to the model.

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