What is a Delegate? Explain.

A Delegate is a variable that holds the reference to a method. Hence it is a function pointer of reference type. All Delegates are derived from System.Delegate namespace. Both Delegate and the method that it refers to can have the same signature.

Declaring a delegate: public delegate void AddNumbers(int n);

After the declaration of a delegate, the object must be created of the delegate using the new keyword.

AddNumbers an1 = new AddNumbers(number);

The delegate provides a kind of encapsulation to the reference method, which will internally get called when a delegate is called.

public delegate int myDel(int number);
public class Program
public int AddNumbers(int a)
int Sum = a + 10;
return Sum;
public void Start()
myDel DelgateExample = AddNumbers;
In the above example, we have a delegate myDel which takes an integer value as a parameter. Class Program has a method of the same signature as the delegate, called AddNumbers().

If there is another method called Start() which creates an object of the delegate, then the object can be assigned to AddNumbers as it has the same signature as that of the delegate.

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